The script would look like this : const { google ...
# 💻developers
The script would look like this : const { google } = require('googleapis'); const sheets = google.sheets('v4'); // Load the credentials from the downloaded JSON file const credentials = require('./path-to-your-credentials.json'); const auth = new google.auth.GoogleAuth({ credentials: credentials, scopes: [''], }); async function addNewRow() { const authClient = await auth.getClient(); // Specify the spreadsheet ID and range where you want to add the new row const spreadsheetId = 'your-spreadsheet-id'; const range = 'Sheet1!A:A'; // Adjust the range as needed // Create the new row data const newRowData = { values: [['New Column 1 Data', 'New Column 2 Data', '...']], }; try { // Append the new row data to the specified range const response = await sheets.spreadsheets.values.append({ auth: authClient, spreadsheetId: spreadsheetId, range: range, valueInputOption: 'RAW', insertDataOption: 'INSERT_ROWS', resource: newRowData, }); console.log('New row added:',; } catch (err) { console.error('Error adding new row:', err.message); } } addNewRow();