does anyone know how to mod this chatHistory code ...
# 💻developers
does anyone know how to mod this chatHistory code that gets saved in a chatHistory variable? it only logs the last 6 messages and i want it to log the whole conversation. : workflow.chatHistory = [] => { if (message.preview != 'What would you like to know about these recipes?') { workflow.chatHistory.push(
) } }) const myStr =
Copy code
Using the provided recipe information and chat history as context, try to answer the question as honestly as possible. If you don't know the answer, say "I don't know." 

Your answer should be friendly and complete, using the same words from the question as much as possible.
Recipe info: ${JSON.stringify(workflow.recipeInfo)}
Chat history: ${JSON.stringify(workflow.chatHistory)}
User question: ${event.preview}}
The prompt is ${myStr.length} characters long
) if (myStr.length > 5000) { console.log('The prompt is too long! Omitting the chat history...') workflow.chatHistory = [] }