How can I transfer a chat to a human in the Botpre...
# 📖tutorials
I would like to create a chatbot in the Botpress and in the chabot workflow, I need to know how to transfer a conversation from bot a human.
Hey there, You can take a look at this video

Keep in mind that you will get the best answers from #1111009377525186570 and not here as this thread is for tutorials 🙂
Suppose I want to create a chatbot where the user talks to the bot but wants to talk to a human? All this on Whatsapp? How to make?
I am not sure. You could try and ask it in #1111009377525186570 and someone might know
Thank you
Hello, what did you end up doing to transfer the conversation to a human? I would like to hear from your experience. There's also an opensource solution called Chatwoot that is very solid and supports multiple agents. I would love that at some point the BP team or someone makes an official integration, in the meantime, here are some github readmes:
I just made a Pseudo- Agent in the loop . 1.- on conversation , when agent needs to enter , send a webhook to your own bot , include the chat ID of the client and a previous chat ID of the agent so he can receive notifications. 2.- Create and admin chat flow for agent so he can check pending messages, select from them and reply by sending a webhook to your bot ....basically you are sending webhok from your bot to your bot but you are swapping conversation id . 3.- This solution requires to have a table to store chat id´s as well as conversation ID´s of client and agent.
hello! when you say "agent" you refer to the human who the conversation is being transferred to? i dont quite understand. could you explain it further if you dont mind? transferring the conversation to a human is a very important solution
yes , i can elaborate : Agent - human that will answer instead of the bot By using the conversation ID´s you can "link" the user conversation and a human or agent conversation together. It s just sending messages back and forth between user and human . You will need to have a table with both conversation ID´s and maybe an "Admin" panel so the human or agent can reply message by message . Youi are not connecting chats , you are just sending messages between conversation ID´s ....makes sense ?
You link them through just need to send the conversation id ont he webhook to the bot ....
yes, makes sense! maybe i will wrap my head around it more once i am very familiar with botpress. i am considering migrating to it. i am coming from manychat/typebot
well,.....i would love to share the one that i made but its for a client and is in Spanish so....i cant