Hey fellow devs, 🙌 I NEED YOUR FEEDBACK 😁 As ...
# 💻developers
Hey fellow devs, 🙌 I NEED YOUR FEEDBACK 😁 As you may or may not know, i've been working on building an integration that makes it extremely easy to send messages to / from Botpress bots. I wanted to get some general feedback on the messaging API, such as "this would not work for me because XYZ reason". No need to install it! Postman docs : 👉 https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/20577045/2s9YsDjEqu 👈 And the code if you're curious... : https://github.com/ptrckbp/botpressapi This is not an official product, but i'd like to relay your feedback to the Engineering team so we can make the API easier to use.
You can leave feedback in this thread 🙂
Might wanna add that we should CD into the botpressapi folder before running npm i since the package.json is in that folder.
There are no integrations shown when following step 6/7 from github
Just wanted to add that this is really awesome and thank you so much for this ❤️
Thanks @fresh-fireman-491 ! Do you get any errors when you run npm run deploy?
🤖 Botpress CLI v0.0.5 √ Typings available at .botpress √ Bundle available at .botpress Build completed in 1464ms √ Are you sure you want to deploy integration botpressapi v0.2.0? ... yes ○ Deploying integration botpressapi v0.2.0... × Could not create integration "botpressapi": Integration name "botpressapi" is already reserved by another workspace
I tried in another workspace and got the same error. I gotta go Zzzzz but I would love to try this again tomorrow.
@able-queen-43470 graciously pointed out that you would need to change the package.json "name" field to something else for it to work. I'll update the instructions 🙂
and I updated the instructions!
Got this error: × Could not create integration "botpressapi-decay": Integration name "botpressapi-decay" should be alphanumeric, start with a lowercase letter, and be less than 100 characters in length Changed the name from botpressapi-decay to botpressapidecay Just wanted to point it out because on the github it gives the example botpressapi-your-company-name but using "-" gave the error. Hope you get better soon
It does that every time I enable the integration
thanks for the update, i'll have a look on my end see if I can reproduce the error
i get the error below when trying to deploy: ✖ The following fields of the integration's definition are deprecated: user.creation, channels.channel.creation
Any updates?🙏
hey guys, sorry for the late reply. Was unavailable last week! We're going to try and fix both issues asap and get back to you. 🙂
That's just fine, I know you are a busy man. Keep us posted, when we should try again