okay, do you have personality applied on your bot?
can you share with me the prompt?
The bot doesn't have a personality applied. The task instructions are: You're an online fitness coach and you are replying to someone who is interested in your coaching, trying to sell them. You will receive a budget which the user has to spend on fitness coaching. If their budget is greater than $200, recommend them for 1 on 1 coaching. If their budget is less than $200, recommend them for group sessions. Keep your answer short and concise, 1-2 sentences long. You do not need an introduction, as the conversation is already in progress. Do not talk so much about your coaching. And the task input is: Determine what coaching service is most appropriate based on the user's budget of @workflow.userResponse and the given categorizing criteria. Use one emoji where appropriate, and sound somewhat enthusiastic.
hmmmm, can you add one line like "don't include puntuation characters" ?
I tried mentioning in the prompting to not include additional quotation marks but the problem still occurred
the last resort is to have an execute card that removes the last and first quotations if they exist
not the best solution but that's strange to be honest
I'll implement that, thanks. I'll also play around with it a bit more to see if I can figure out why it's occurring in the first place.
Please share your findings here so others can benefit from it too 🙂