if i increase or not the result is the same anyway
# 💻developers
if i increase or not the result is the same anyway
what does your bot's flow look like?
I know it's not ideal, but I just need a bot that answers questions asked using the documents I provide in the knowledge base.
as long as "answer on start node" is on, you really only need one node like this
If I use this flow, the conversation ends immediately, and it gives me the text I write to it at the end, not at the beginning of the conversation. "answer on start node" It was already active.
How do I create a continuous flow of question and answer without ending the conversation after each question? this is the probelm, I'm sorry for the disturbance
can use a capture "raw text" card and make a loop
thx, i found how to do it
and sorry again, how do I set it up so that if it doesn't find the answer in the provided documents, it refers to ChatGPT 3.5?
you can use a transition
to go to a node with an AI task, and then use the AI task to generate an answer.