Hey <@368829146584842242> I have tried the ai tran...
# 💻developers
Hey @fresh-fireman-491 I have tried the ai transitions but it's not working, the intent is working nice than ai transitions. Look I have to get the Semester of the Specific department, im getting the department properly, but when it comes to semester a raw input ask user that "Enter your Semester ! " So when the user input 1 to 5 semester like a individual numbers like "1" it's working but when user enters 6 number than it's not working. I have made intents in library like Intent library name :Sem_6 1. Sem6 2. 6 3. S6 4. S6 5. Semester 6 6. semestEr6 7. sem6 8. s6 9. 6th 10. Semester But it's not working when user input individual number like "6" but when user input "s6/sem6" than it works ... I want that user can easily enter a number so it will be more effective or easier to use.