We are facing problems with Microsoft teams integr...
# 💻developers
We are facing problems with Microsoft teams integration with Botpress. Although, we have successfully integrated the bot within our Org in Teams, the behaviour of the bot inside the MS teams does not match with the behaviour of the bot in the emulator or testing link! For example, inside MS teams, the bot does not wait for the user input after the user says 'Hi'. The expected behaviour is User: Hi Bot: How can I help ? User: Gives Input Bot: Answers This behaviour works perfectly fine emulator and the bot testing link. However,inside MS teams it is the following: User: Hi Bot: How can I help Bot: (Doesn't wait for input from the user rather goes to the next flow taking 'Hi' as the input) This is just one example. There's a few other peculiar things that only happen inside the MS team but not the emulator or testing link. Any clue why this is happening? Is there such problems with MS team integration with Botpress.