Hello ! I have Questions about dates! Case 1: a)...
# 💻developers
Hello ! I have Questions about dates! Case 1: a) Datetime capture card gets a date (YYYY-MM-DD) from the user & stores in Date type variable (in picture dateiso) b) Variable updates table in Date type column c) Retrieve from table: 2023-10-05T12:00:00.000Z which is the correct date and time set to NOON (in picture tripdate 2023-10-05) Case 2: a) Execute code card gets "now" date through New Date () & stores in Date type variable (in picture nowutc) b) Variable updates table in Date type column c) Retrieve from table: 2023-10-17T12:42:58.623Z which is the correct date and time set 6 hours after UTC which is the starting input. (in picture tripdate 2023-10-17) Questions: 1) Can someone please explain what is happening in each case ? 2) can we set the time in a Date type column of a table ? 3) can we set the time in what the Datetime capture card captures ? 4) can we store time in a Date type variable? Kind request to Botpress: the auto time set to NOON in tables messes up searches, can it at least be 00:00, the start of the calendar day ? Thank you!