AI Agency Service Delivery Contract Templates
# 📖tutorials
Nothing in this post acts as legal advice, the content is solely intended for educational purposes Hello everyone! 😊 While this isn't directly about bot creation, I've noticed a significant interest in guidance on service contracts (they are crucial for ensuring safety and compliance). I'm excited to share 4 distinct contract templates from a legitimate, registered agency for your reference. Here's a brief overview: - These contracts are designed for a UK-based agency specializing in AI chatbots and automation. - They aim to address key aspects like pricing, service provision, and confidentiality. The templates cover: 1) One-time Service Delivery: This is for situations where you're engaged to build a chatbot with no ongoing support or maintenance. 2) Continuous Service Delivery: This applies when you not only deliver a chatbot but also provide a continuous subscription service. 3) Consent Form: Essential when handling sensitive or private data, requiring client consent. 4) Freelance Service Agreement: For scenarios where you're subcontracting work to external providers. Remember, these are educational examples. Always tailor them considering factors like your location, the services you offer and specific client needs. I hope you find these resources helpful. Best of luck! 🚀
Super helpful! ⚡ 💯 🙏
Hey @cuddly-pager-24971, @jolly-policeman-82775 and @busy-eye-77875, you might find this useful guys
🫶 thank you very much
No worries!
Bro I wanna 😘 u thanks so much
what about me :(((
You are the best @jolly-policeman-82775 😎
u especially😘
can i ask if u make a botpress account for them and then give them the account + bot link?
or do you have pro version where u can make more bots?
I always prefer to make a client a separate Botpress account and add myself as a collaborator. It's mostly for three reasons: 1) It reduces stress on my side to track their usage and adjust invoices, they just pay with their credit card 2) I don't have to keep creating new workspaces, I like to keep my main account as clean as possible 3) Most of the time the client prefers to be the 'owner' and they feel safer being an account owner But again, that's how I like to work. I know people who prefer to handle everything themselves and keep it on their account. It's just a preference!
Alright thank you so you take their email create an account give them the password and create the bot. Then u add urself as collaborator and u basically don't use the account anymore right?
Yes, you can create an account with their existing email (just ask them to sign up with their email and add you). I even sometimes create a completely new email just for Botpress purposes ( for example).
This is epic sir!
Thank you, buddy! Hope you been well and safe🙏
Better than I deserve my friend and I extend the same well wishes to you and yours! I cant believe its almost 2024
Thanks for this brother, I need the freelance one haha! Why you share free not pay?
Because these are used as guidelines and inspiration, not ready-made contracts, some people have no idea where to start, so now they can have a reference!
This is so helpful! Once again you are the best @wide-oyster-38514
Nice AA
im taking a break from all of this
you are the new Theo
Have a nice holidays!
Thank you for kind words buddy🙂
Happy Holidays!
didnt have one 😦
Hi guys but why are you telling the client that you are using Botpress and giving them an account. Why not just integrate the chatbot into their site and that's it?
Most of the time they ask what platform are we using or at least how it works. I prefer to keep my main account clean (I have multiple workspaces already for tests, templates etc.). By creating a separate account for them I can manage it easier and they can get the perks of the free plan as well before paying. Of course my way is not the only way, many people would just put everything on their account🙂