AI task for better seamless transition
# 📖tutorials
One of the most common way, or actually the only way to transit seamlessly from node to node is using AI transition card, which is not a bad choice, but there are some limitation. First of all, Ai transit card can only only categorize text, meaning that for example if your want to categorize "question", but if the user said something like: "I want to know more about ... " then that message won't be categorized as a question, even though that is the user intention. So this is where AI task card shine. So instead of categorize text, I would ask the AI to "Guess" the user's "Intention". The reason I use "guess" and "attention" is because it will enable the AI to think wider, also when I use "intention" it will also focus more on the meaning behind the message, rather than the message itself. As you can see here, after I ask the AI to guess the user intention, I would ask them to return the result in "1st", "2nd", "3rd", "4th", which can be use later as a condition to move to the next nodes as you can see in the next picture using expression.
Thanks for sharing @mysterious-magician-90051! It will really help with these type of scenarios. I wanted to tests to do something similar in the future, but you fast tracked it for me so thank you🙂
is it like #1173816854725263440
Cool stuff @mysterious-magician-90051! Have you found the AI task is precise enough with its guesses?
Thanks for sharing @mysterious-magician-90051 ! 🔥
It is suprisingly accurate, and actually not that slow compare to AI transition or Single choice card, but I guess that also depends on how complex it is
I think that your example will work well for simple task ( if the user's responses are expected to be simple), but the problem with AI transition card is that with more complex task it will start to show inaccuracy, especially with tasks that takes many options and options those are more unclear and if you are unsure about how the user will response to your questions, like for example you want the chatbot to lead user who want to ask question about a product to a certain node, the user could response with normal questions, or with a demand (which grammatically is not a question), or the user can use incomplete sentences, and much more.
Hey there @mysterious-magician-90051 the AI on my end got a bit confused about when changing the possibilities. I added 1st possibility, 2nd possibility etc. to it and that seems to work better. Have you made any upgrades to it or is it still running good on your end?
In that cases just add a few examples to the prompts, and yeah, using numbers helps the AI to understand your prompts better.
can we use this for feedback ?
Depend on which kind of feedback you expect to recieve I think, like for example If you have A new feature then the feedback should be organic for best optimization, but if you want to see like for example the overall experience with a product, then you can focus more on the general review (good ? bad ? neutral ?). But I think it is the best to have both types of feedback