Hey guys. I deployed my botpress bot to a Render s...
# 💻developers
Hey guys. I deployed my botpress bot to a Render site. It used to work, but now the inject.js script fails to load due to a CORS isssue. It doesn't look like the headers on the inject.js file load has CORS access control headers set. Anyone else hit this recently? I'm not sure what changed. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1121494527727902891/1227648659567542282/Screenshot_2024-04-10_at_11.57.17_AM.png?ex=66292be9&is=6616b6e9&hm=1b21a6294c90484683593bbc22e1c6b68d475378a925a636dc0c5192080caeeb&