Login options
# 💻developers
so its either we do the approach suggested in the botpress tutorial or we do the authentication inside their website so they have access to the bot only after passed the authentication in their website
Where would it need to check if the account has permissions?
Where are you storing the accounts that has permission*
the client want microsoft authentication, but i realized its not possible as we cannot download the the microsoft package for auth. I know we could run botpress instance in local and instal stuff there but might be too complex. At this point i was wondering all the possible options. In the most basic case we store email and password in botpress and we check it there, but this approach its way to simple + password are store as texted in the table (not safe at all). The other option could be to yes add the authentication on their website so you see the chatbot only if you pass it fine (not possibl in my case)
i was wondering if there is another option available apart of this 2
You can create a custom integration that can use any library that you want. https://botpress.com/docs/developers/
yes which means i will have to do it locally, donwload all the botpress instance, install packages and make changes there and all. In this case i was wondering, am i still able to use the Botpress UI to make changes in the chabot? Are the two versions (local and boptpress web) gonna be updated all the time i make some changes in the Botpress UI? maybe they use git to keep track of changes, not sure
are there any other options excluding this 3 i just mentioned?
You make the integration, but you can still use the integration on the cloud. You don't have to run it locally 🙂
do you know how long does it take to do it? Are people actually using this solution?
I use it to use other libraries, I know @straight-wolf-37371 is also doing it. It doesn't take that long, a few hours maybe.
thanks man i will definitly check that ❤️
in case i have some problems im might gonna contact you for some info
have a good day!
You are very welcome and you too! Feel free to create a post in #1111009377525186570 with the issue, there are other people on this server that knows more about the subject than me that might also be able to share their knowledge 🙂
sure thank you
do i need to follow this doc i guess right? https://botpress.com/docs/developers/howTo/build-integration/