Botpress App Store
# 👀feature-requests
Over the next few months I anticipate a huge influx of new Botpress users and agencies wanting to use Botpress. A lot of people will be non technical and we commonly get asked "hey, do you have a code snippet for X". At this point its fine. Although, clearly there are a lot of other people with this issue with no one to ask who go unseen. So, I suggest a Botpress App Store or community explore page where new users/agencies can find code snippets to common workflows and / or complete templates. Heck, I think this would take a load off the Botpress dev team to deliver on multiple fronts whilst supporting every granular feature request. Rather than you guys having to do that, let the community help and make these feature requests optional to install through the app store rather than a permanent change to Botpresses overall product roadmap. I'm developing some internal tools to extend what Botpress can do within our team for our clients. Imagine I could go onto the app store and get an app that can add auth to my chatbot for example? This can be monetisable or not, think of how the Shopify app store works. You incentivise devs to build for you and make your platform 10x better whilst improving the accessibility for new users. You guys released a UI tool, imagine someone could release UI templates or their own UI tool which has more features since that is their sole focus whereas you guys have to focus on more things than one. Shopify themes for example? I'd be more than happy to work closely with the Botpress engineering team to help in any way I can. I could even share some of our internal tools being built to give an idea. One of our services extends Botpress with auth, stripe payments and more but its built in Go and I'll soon be porting it to TypeScript. Anyway, thats my little rant over. I sincerely believe in this and I think it'd be cool for a new user to just go into their chatbot interface and add stripe, zapier, etc for their users without needing code.
This would be amazing!! The amount of things and complexity people could add to their bots would really skyrocket, while making it easier to take a project off the ground.
Exactly my thoughts!
I believe the current Botpress Hub is just a few iterations away from that store you are proposing 🚀
Hopefully, got a lot I'd want to add to it
Out of curiosity, what would you like to add to it?
1. The ability for teams to create their own integrations with your platform, e.g. if I run an agency onboarding software platform, having an app in Botpress to allow my users to create onboarding workflows with Botpress' chatbot interface and have onboarding information be sent back to the platform to give my users visibility in our native dashboard, e.g. where did a user drop off during onboarding or if they need HITL interaction allowing the users (the agencies) of this hypothetical onboarding SaaS to help their clients during the onboarding process. Yes, this is possible with the API, although, having a simple install button for a user of this hypothetical software would be simpler. They can build internal chatbot tools to onboard their users with Botpress' interface whilst leveraging this external SaaS for the other pieces to the onboarding puzzle. 2. We currently use an internal service that integrates several different external services (stripe, mailgun, mailchimp, etc). This saves us time from writing complex code executions for each client since all the processing is done in our service and all we need is the workflow variable inputs. This allows us to leverage the SDKs of these external services since we cannot import npm modules on Botpress. So, allowing companies like Stripe, Mailchimp, etc to build their own apps for your platform would be useful, if they don't do it, I would. Rather than coding in API calls, a user inputs their URL, api key environment variable and workflow variables. No code. 3. An admin panel for Botpress agencies to give to their clients in order to give them visibility into how their chatbot is being used post-delivery, that would be great. I believe having this as an app allows for added functionality that Botpress may not care to support out of the box. Overall, its not what I want to build but what I believe could be built for the community as a whole. But, as for me, the above are solutions I'd consider building for Botpress along with giving me the ability to build solutions which support the Botpress community and also enhances the experience. Top of mind for what I'd build is; a zapier interface that allows users to simply add their hook URL and place their variables in text boxes instead of having to write code. This saves time and also gives no-code Botpress users a simple interface to get started out of the box. Or, better yet, an interface for no-code users to paste in an endpoint, environment variables and workflow variables
@crooked-van-25152 , @plain-lifeguard-16679 , @rich-battery-69172 , don't know who I need to thank but I can't wait for the announcement. Amazing engineering, amazing team and an amazing product. Keep it up!
We're lucky to have amazing Community members like you!!! Thanks @little-translator-50218 🚀 😍
@little-translator-50218 we've been on it for a while 😀 When we saw your message the other day It was hard not to say anything! 😆 This is just the beginning for the Hub, theres more on the way!
@little-translator-50218 small update ton this, you can find all our integrations open-sourced on github. you can submit your own integration or make improvements to existing ones too!
If you want to get started creating an integration, this would be a good place to get started: