The ability to directly handle file uploads from users rather than typical messages would be incredible. Currently the only way around this as far as I understand would be to use the whatsapp, facebook messenger, telegram, etc apis to receive all messages then pass that message to botpress via the rest api/sdk if its a text message.
Hi Jacob, Is the following transcript the user experience you'd be looking for : bot : hi how can I help? user : I want to refund my order bot : got it, could you please upload your order pdf [file upload box] [user uses file upload box] bot : got your order, #42342. Thanks! ...
i just go an answer from the product team on this request: "This is a planned feature should be supported in the coming weeks"
This would be ideal but if im understanding correctly on the platforms that don't necessarily support a visual file upload box/area like whatsapp (to my knowledge at least) just the ability to send a photo/file as an attachment would be excellent. The version of events i was initially thinking about was: Whatsapp: bot : hi how can I help? user : I want to refund my order bot : got it, could you please upload your order pdf [sends pdf as attachment] bot : got your order, #42342. Thanks!
Thank you jb!
Having some experience with different channels, I believe certain channels could be a have less support than others in terms of what is possible. For sure the most robust as usual would be the webchat, and then certain channels could have specifities unique to them.
Yes exactly! The need for me is to at least for now is to be able to handle file uploads directly through attachments from platforms like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger.
Not necessarily when file uploads are released as i understand this would take more development time but a couple other elements of file uploads that would make them easier to work with for me are - Validation of the types of files that can be uploaded for a given request. - Constraint on the the number of files that are expected to be received. - Confirmation of the files that are being submitted. To my knowledge its possible to receive images in a sequence other than the way they were sent so in whatsapp for instance i might send file 1 then 2 then 3 but the bot may receive it in the order of 2,1,3. Again these would make file uploads easier imo to work with but honestly I could definitely do these manually for the time being.