Priority in knowledge base lookup
# 🤝help
When I have multiple PDFs and URLs in the KB, is there a way to specify priority? For example, I have pricing in 2 places, and I'd like to specify one of these 2 places as the main source of pricing info. (Of course, I could modify and exclude some info, but I am trying to avoid it, as those are all standard business documents that get updated from time to time, so I would prefer not to customize them with no compelling reason.)
Documents closer to your workflow are being prioritized, ie. if you use folders and put your workflow and documents next to eachother, they will be prioritized over more distant documents in the hierarchy
@early-train-33247 @faint-pager-56395 I think this deserves to be more visible and explained in the product too?
Sorry, could you please clarify - here I have the workflow (main one), and knowledge base below, which contains a few PDFs and a few URLs. I don't think I have control over the order they are shown. Should I create a different knowledge base and move some source into the 2nd one?
Assuming the question you are processing is inside WF A
Got it, thank you very much. I guess I can't move the main workflow into a folder (doesn't let me to), so I should just create a new workflow and transfer from the main workflow into the new one, and then apply priorities to the workflow in the folder?