Knowledge base not being read?
# 🤝help
hi i am having trouble with knowledge bases. I have uploaded word documents as knowledge bases but the bot seems to not even query them. I followed a tutorial for this and even downloaded a template that is from that tutorial video that worked in the video and tested it in my account to make sure it wasn't me making the mistake with my version. Both versions don't refer to their own knowledge base even though one of them definitely worked in the video but not on my account. Thanks in advance 🙂
I am also having the same problem, I used the plain text and copy pasted my data and it worked then, but it would be nicer to use the pdf file.
ok so maybe their system is temporarily having trouble accessing files?
Could very well be that.
hopefully they fix it soon, thanks for letting me know you're having the same issue was driving me crazy trying to figure out why evrything worked fine in the video lol
Yeah, just stopped working overnight
I have the same problem. I think they have scaling issues..
You got any solutions for this problem?, i'm getting this issue today.