Pulling from knowledge base has gotten worse
# 🤝help
Hello, I recently created a bot to pull some information from the knowledge base with some files I provided. When asking the bot some questions, it was able to perfectly answer them. As of today, the same bot is unable to answer the same questions? Is this an issue on my end or Botpress? Thanks
hi Brendan i have the same problem, i think it is an issue of botpress
Yeah, hopefully gets fixed
I can't get any answers from the knowledge base (KB) and the logs are telling me "Skipping KB agent because no KBs are enabled" which isn't true as the KB is enabled as an agent as well as enabled in the nodes. Frustrating.
It's the same for me... was pulling info from doc, now is not answering
I'm in the same boat
I have this problem too..url and txt seems working but not PDFs
not even txt works for me
Seems to have started working again for me. But how can I be sure this will not continue to happen?
Right, and I was hoping for some clarifying words from a Mod or someone from the team addressing the issue
for this reason, it's better to add a second layer of KB from another service
But if the issue is to do with BotPress talking to OpenAI, it still wouldnt work right? Only if the issue is to do with the BotPress servers accessing the files?
I have been pasting my text as "text" directly rather than under documents as a workaround
Same here 😦
Do you guys get any error in the logs? Documents working fine atm (doesn’t seem to be an issue with the backend)
For me, it seemed to be related to documents, PDF, HTML, etc. but not a problem when the text from those documents were directly copied and pasted as static text in the KB. No errors, just knowledge base unable to find the answer. I'll test today and see if I can provide an example
I see. How many documents do you have? do you have multiple KBs?
I have multiple KBs organized in different folders. But i disabled all of them to test it.
It was pulling the doc in the KB saying that it searched it
But wouldn't pull an answer
Let me see if I can get you a specific example with screenshots
Np, might be a little bit. I'm technically "working from home" right now but I'll get back to you sometime this morning
@rapid-quill-81076 if you could also send me more info about when this happens (or even better, invite me to your workspace and send me the screenshots of this happening so I can replicate the issue)
Sure, here is a screenshot of it not working and then working with the same question. My bots are just using the basic document template, I am happy to invite you, could you DM your email?


Here ya go. It seems its not even pulling from the text now: I ask the the following questions "How many cards are in my starting hand?" "Do some heroes require unique setup steps?" This is two pieces of info directly from the KB: "6. DECK Shuffle your cards to create a deck. Draw the top 4 cards from your deck. This is your starting hand." "8. ADDITIONAL SETUP Some heroes require unique setup steps. If applicable, these steps will be located on the back of your Hero Leaflet." It was unable to answer these questions although it searched the KB in the event debugger.





Last screenshot to show the proper KB was searched "Rules_Official_kb"


Same effect on my side. KB is searched but no results found. Yesterday, same KB was searched with results.
Hi everyone. I was also having this issue yesterday and was told of a weird fix that did the job for me. If you navigate to the full chat window from your bot's dashboard it re-enables the KB somehow. Hope this helps someone.
So website scraping for KB isn't a go ? Got the same problem.. Also got a client texting me about this
Thanks for the advice! So just going to that? Do we need to speak to it in there or anything
@rich-battery-69172 More info for you that could helpful. It looks like it thinks all of my KBs are disabled. Although from previous screenshots above they aren't.


i am getting zero answers from my KB
Hopefully its just a bug that'll get fixed
hope so, its been like this since last night
Have you been able to figure out how to use the translation agent to allow your bot to automatically pick up on the language your user is using? I just watched the video on it and tried it and it's not working out. Maybe similar issues to knowledge base
no i haven't used the translate bot, i haven't had a use case for it yet, but probably, i have been having trouble with the personality agent too, seem a lot of issues are happening. I got added to the beta for triggers last night, could it be something to do with that?
At this moment it seems the knowledge is working again. Try it.
Also, if I turn the translator on and ask it to speak Spanish for example, it works, but doesn't pick up automatically if I start the convo in Spanish
yes i JUST got an answer back from kb
i am getting tonnes of other issues
would be good to know if the team is working on something
What else?
just an update here: i am working with @rapid-quill-81076 and I could replicate the issue
will keep you posted
thank you for the update!
out of curiosty whats the easiest way to set up tramnslation just want to give it a quick go before i go home and drown my sorrows
OK we found it. We've reached OpenAI's rate limit per company.. We will work with OpenAI to get this raised ASAP and will use different accounts + retries in the meantime
oh damn, yes i know that there pricing plan grows as the api requests grow, means botpress is growing!
Thanks! Aiming the pitch forks towards open AI now
Ah okay, thanks for the quick replies, hopefully an easy fix.
lol What I did was go into agents on the left side menu and just turn on translation agent. I'm sure there is a more technical and precise way to do this but this is just what I'm playing with. And then I'll ask the bot "can you speak ot me in spanish" and it changes to spanish for me
ah i see, yes that was easy, wonder if there is away to have a dropdown to select a language before you start the conversation
I believe there is a way. I watched the video on Youtube but it was blurry and couldn't really see what they were doing. From what I understand you can either select languages or have it learn to respond automatically to whatever language the user uses when talking to it.
i guess you could just start it by using a capture card and asking: what language would you like me to speak.
Im guessing you could, my question would be what if the user for example strictly speaks Chinese and can't understand the question in english with the choices lol
hahaha oh yeah i didnt think of that!!
In how much time would this knowledgebase problem be fixed? I have a client waiting for their chatbot deployment date
we have a fix coming in a few minutes
In defence of botpress this is a huge problem with openAI payment structure, they basically set a spend limit based on your usage over time. Therefore if you suddenly start growing as company openai then adjust your limit, but there is a delay in that
Yeah it's a pain, we have to constantly request higher limits as we grow. We have multiple accounts we can add to counter this problem short-term while they approve our increase requests.
dont sweat it, at least a solution was found to the issue, nothing worse than having an issue and not knowing what it is!
Damn that's quick, thank you
Does anyone find it better to use mostly "raw inputs" to let users navigate to where they want to go rather than usuing multiple choice options?
Nooooooo I have the same problem
Hope it gets fixed quick
It's still not fixed right?
I think it has something to do with the question not being inputted in the prompt
Not been fixed yet,can you give us an ETA please
A lot of people here depend on you fixing thistonight, can we have an eta please
@cool-gold-3015 it was fixed