Export chat history by mail
# šŸ¤help
Hi I was trying to make a feature for quality assurance purposes so that if users saw an error in the chatbot responses, they can press a button to export the chat history out of botpress and send it to me by email automatically. I wanted to know if it's possible to do this using "execute code" and writing up some javascript with the "mailto:" command? If not, is there any other way to do this?
hey @worried-ram-87702 if you are a bit technical, i believe you can use this https://botpress.com/docs/api-documentation/#list-messages to retrieve the list of messages in a conversation.
and then send it to the user
Can I just use summary agent instead to retrieve the list?
If you store each response in a variable you can make a zapier zap to email all of the variables. Still will require some api calls (and the bot press one might be better, I havenā€™t read it but Jb knows his stuff) and itā€™s nothing chat gpt canā€™t help you code
I dont think the summary agent would do that it would automatically ask GPT to summarize the conversation