Is Publishing hanging for anyone else?
# šŸ¤help
I haven't been able to publish anything for at least a half hour now. Are the servers having trouble or am I doing something wrong?
It just started working again. Still, I'm curious if it was a server issue or something on my side.
Publishing is still hanging for me 99% of the time. If I try it enough times, eventually one will go through - but the majority of the time, it just spins and spins (even if I leave it overnight).
Update: Hmm - it might be a Safari thing. I just tried it from Chrome and it worked right away.
Great that you got it working. If you find the opportunity, could you please try to replicate the error in safari? Was it not actually deploying (you were not seeing the changes in your live bot) or was it just the spinner that kept spinning?
Hey. Iā€™m having the same trouble with my chatbot. Itā€™s taking long to publish. Iā€™m taking hours. What could be the problem? It just keeps spinning around and no changes are being made.
As you requested, I tried with Safari again and can confirm that the bot did NOT get published by Safari.
Try publishing it from a different browserā€¦
Thanks for pointing that out. We're looking into the issue.
Same problem here and I'm using chrome. I'll try with another browser