Has anyone an answer for the most common scenario?
# 🤝help
the I believe that this topic actually relates to the majority of folks who build chatbots - If the user asks anything, in any chatbot, that operates in any possible niche the if the answer is not found within a given Knowledgebase or embedded in prompt - the bot actually can't answer it, right? - So what can we do to overcome this issue? I believe nobody wants to deliver chatbots with very limited knowledge 🙂 I see 2 options: 1. To implement Bing or other search APIs - to provide a complementary an 2. To add additional node which utilizes Chat GPT or other LLM as an additional "Knowledge base", that probably does have an answer to users' inquiry So the question: What is actually the best practice in such case? Example: Let's assume we build a chatbot for Airbnb hosts - to answer guests' questions. We add a vast knowledge base but user just asks - What activities can I attend today, in New York? I like skydiving. - it is not actually possible to predict it. Obviously, ChatGPT can not answer. So we need to implement some web search Therefore - does ANYONE HAS HERE A SOLUTION FOR THAT? And if we combine both? Your thoughts, solutions, code snippets, anything - would be greatly appreciated by
I created a bot for an AirBnb host and created a path for activities in the main menu. The hosts are able to make money if they have affiliate links or codes, activities/restaurants are needed when trying to sell it! Saving just time isn't good enough, provide the revenue stream which make it sell it self. Create 2 paths 1. Ask a question (that's the Ai part of it.) 2. Attractions / Recommendations - Here you create a standard chat bot patch ( no Ai needed) I created a demo for a few of my clients to easier explain this


Great bot & video @echoing-knife-90835
Hi @echoing-knife-90835 . Thanks for the reply and KUDOS!!! for your bot + Video. Great way to represent your bot.👏. I have also created a similar bot and took ia t bit further - besides answering questions and showing the few activities via Carousel node, I added a loop of @problemSolver nodes, have added few additional carousel nodes - for Attractions, local guides, nearby grocery stores etc. But the question remains. I was using Airbnb multiple times in different countries and stayed in many different properties. I had a lot of absolutely different questions for my hosts. And I am not "disturbing" kind of guy. Yet, questions arise. The bot can answer where guests can find passwords, yes. But if there is no Wi-Fi signal? What if there comes any other Wi-Fi-related problem? In this case - guest will bother his host. The bot as we build it solves -+30% of the problem. Is it enough? So this is the reason I asked the question - Knowledbases and expanded prompts within AI tasks do not provide the answer as expected. And it is not just my thinking - that what users say. It feels sometimes like a half-baked product. BTW, this topic addresses 99% of bots. So, guys - for our all sake, we gotta find a way to make bots more complete. SO, DOES ANYONE HAVE IDEAS OF HOW TO COMPLETE BOTS' BEHAVIOR BEYOND WHAT'S FOUND IN THE KNOWLEDGE BASE? WHAT IS THE BEST PRACTICE TO INTEGRATE A KIND OF ''CHAIN-OF-THOUGHTS'' = KNOWLEDGEBASE-GPTMODEL/S - BUCKET-OF-PLUGINS +???? - WITHIN BOTPRESS? @Sabrina, @Gordy, @Guilhermy , @everyone- any suggestions?
Got ya! When creating your knowledge base how are you explaining it's task description? What I like to use: This knowledge base is about XYZ, it is used to help his clients get fast and efficient answers about XYZ, answer questions in friendly tone.
Hey, just for understanding, this bot is for custoer service for airbnb hosts, but not booking right? Or do you provide link for booking? I see on the airbnb api website they are no longer taking applications for API access