Im have no knowledge of chatbots and I need help
# 🤝help
I have no knowledge of botpress, the only "coding" experience I have is some front-end webdev (html & css). I eventually want to learn how to build intricate chatbots, but clearly im not there yet. I need help with finding a source will help explain the barebones of botpress thats simple to understand. I would appreciate if someone helped me out.
Hey! I just started using BotPress too! It might feel overwhelming (I'm a dev with 8 years experience and it's still overwhelming!) , but I would try to break down your problem into the smallest "actionable" thing possible. It always helps me to have a simple project in mind. For example, "I want my chatbot to handle new visitors to my website". Then, go smaller from there: "I want my chatbot to say hello in a friendly way." Some resources I've found helpful are the BotPress docs ( and their Youtube channel ( I honestly just clicked on anything I was curious about and started taking notes. Hopefully, this sparks some ideas on how you can get started. 🙂
Hey @broad-house-34617 ! Welcome to Botpress 😊 . I would recommend checking out the Dictionary series on YouTube. It's a good resource to get more familiar with the terms related to building bots with Botpress.
thank you for such a detailed response man
No problem!
Id reccomend also opening up all the templates and play around to get familiar with how everything works.