Calling an API that uses OAuth 2.0
# 🤝help
I am trying to call and api of a database I am trying to send request to , now the things I have is host link, access token, ClientID, secrete, and a scope I don't know what would go where, can someone give me some steps to follow and set it up on studio
i am also trying to allow the bot to create appointments on google calendar and i don't have much info to go on. the plan is to show the client all available slots up to 5 days out and they would select the one best for them. then the bot would create that slot on google calendar. can you help?
@early-farmer-86334 i do know that you have to go to and create a project. i also know that you have to enable API key and that...
@early-farmer-86334 you know what here To connect your chatbot to Google Calendar using OAuth 2.0, you'll need to follow these steps: Create a project in the Google API Console: Go to the Google API Console and create a new project. Enable the Google Calendar API for your project: In the API Console, find the Google Calendar API and enable it for your project. Create credentials: In the API Console, go to the "Credentials" section and create new OAuth 2.0 credentials. You'll need to provide some information about your application, and you'll receive a client ID and a client secret. Install the Google Client Library: Depending on the language you're using to develop your chatbot, you'll need to install the appropriate Google Client Library. This library will make it easier to interact with Google APIs. Implement OAuth 2.0 in your application: Use the client ID and client secret you obtained earlier to implement OAuth 2.0 in your application. This will involve redirecting the user to a Google URL where they can log in and grant your application access to their Google Calendar. Once they've granted access, Google will redirect them back to your application with an authorization code. Your application can exchange this code for an access token. Use the access token to interact with the Google Calendar API: Once your application has an access token, it can use this token to make requests to the Google Calendar API. For example, it can create new events, read existing events, and delete events. Handle token expiration: Access tokens have a limited lifetime, and your application will need to handle the case where a token has expired. If your application needs to access the Google Calendar API beyond the lifetime of a single access token, it can obtain a refresh token when it exchanges the authorization code for an access token. This refresh token can be used to obtain new access tokens when they expire.
@early-farmer-86334 chat GPT4 baby
I am getting an 401 status code my access token is not being generated
@calm-motorcycle-14319 I got the axios but I am getting trouble in getting the my libraries I am suing
@early-farmer-86334 😂 I'm not even getting that
I am not doing the google cloud project I am doing different
so that's why ur good