Botpress to error
# 🤝help
Hello I receive this error. I used to connection 2 days ago and it was fine. Didn't change anything since. Any ideas? When trying to connect botpress to via an API request it gives me following error: Error executing action "inline-ins-943d881974js" in flow:Main:node:Generate-unknown-pri (Error, stack-error: AxiosError: Network Error] The code that i use to make the connection bewteen botpress and is: // Add your stack AI endpoint URL in place of "YOUR_STACK_AI_ENDPOINT_ const endpoint = "" // Add your stack AI API key in place of "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE" const headers = { Authorization: `Bearer XXXXXXXXXXX "Content-Type": "application/json" } const data = { "in-0": "Send this to ducemb-0: car brand and model: " + workflow.carBrandModel + ", Destination: " + workflow.Destination + ", send this to docemb-2: is the car driveable?: " + workflow.driveable + ", Country of destination?: " + workflow.CountryDestination + ", does the car have a topbox?: " + workflow.topBox + ", is the car worth more then 100k?: " + workflow.over100k + ", does the car have a bikerack attached?: " + workflow.bikeRack + ". Send this to ducemb-1: car brand & model:" + workflow.carBrandModel + ".", } try { const response = await, data, { headers }) workflow.apiResponse =["out-0"] } catch (error) { throw new Error(
stack-error: ${error}
) } What can be the error? I left out the link and the API Key, but those are correct. I checked them 5 times already 😦 Thanks alot!
a lot of people have been having this issue, including me
I got this issue too it was working fine yesterday however today it does not work? Have you solved it?