Bug in List Entities
# 🤝help
I'm still learning how to use Entities (located in the library) and I think I've found a bug. Setup a list entities called Flight, and gave it 3 occurences (See picture). I created a Flight type (list entity) variable called city. I created a capture node to extract a value of type Flight and store the result in the variable city. Based on the synonyms, i should be able to enter Toronto and the chatbot should store the value Montreal in city (it's explicitly named as a synonym), but it went with New York instead. Why?
Hey @quick-sunset-51605, that's odd! Could you try removing the first two synonyms of New York, since they are very close and repeated
And set the Fuzzy matching options to Medium
sure, i'll test now
nope, i'm still getting New York
Okay, I will try reproducing that tomorrow!
In the meantime, could you explain your use-case? There may be a better way to do this instead of using Entities
I guess it would be to classify a response into different buckets, but without using the single choice capture
Here is the entirety of the code for this bug:
I have a similar issue. I have 21 different categories/indutries to choose from a Single Select capture dropdown. I also want the user to be able to write what industry they work in and then be placed in the correct industry/sector. I've tried to give each industry different examples of jobs/titles that represent each industry, like ex. mechanic placed under Automotive. I'd even expect the AI backend even would recognise an answer like "I repair and fix cars" and put it in the "Automotive" category/industry. (According to the documentation in this Botpress video:


) I've attached 2 short video clips that shows a few examples. Am I doing something wrong or what can I do to improve my results? @early-train-33247



@rich-battery-69172 I shouldn't worry on this, I just can't stop thinking about this, 19:35 here in Japan now, I'm giving up hehe. Have a nice weekend 🙏
@stocky-lamp-39533 I will look into this! Can you please send me your botID from the studio URL?
@rich-battery-69172 Thanks, I've sent you the botID! DM