Help for New Botpress User | Willing to Pay for As...
# šŸ¤help
Thanks for this great Discord resource. I have several chatbot clients and use products like Chatbase and Chatfast with VERY LIMITED functionality. From what I'm seeing, Botpress seems very capable and I'd like to transition my clients to this new platform. However, I'm seeking some basic information and, in all hopes, a step-by-step tutorial on creating a simple Chatbot. I'm sure I can learn new features along the way, but just having some challenges creating my very first Botpress chatbot. Does anybody have resource links (the Botpress YT channel doesn't seem to have what I'm looking for) or time for a 1:1 screen share tutorial? The platform looks extraordinarily capable, and I'm anxious to learn -- just need a few minutes to answer some basic questions. Many thanks to whomever can assist. --Shaun (San Francisco, CA)
I am in the same boat as you Shaun. I'm also reading this Discord help area and seeing a lot of hiccups with Botpress.
I was also struggling but somehow just finished my first simplest chatbot. It's all hit and try. I almost touched the level of self doubt and labelling myself dumb but saw the silver keep asking questions, that's the way to learn I guess. The tutorials are definately a big miss. The videos are for technically alligned people.
Hey @gorgeous-state-16865, DM me and we can do a 1 on 1
The youtube videos from botpress are kinda good tbh to create something simple. Then you have the documentation on their website that can help you through. And its as vivek said, its hit and try. I'm a beginner myself, but being a week or two into it, i've managed to understand a lot already.
@better-vase-52482 @cold-oyster-64572 @red-jackal-11134 @rough-magician-49397 Thanks all. I'm a fast learning, but struggling with how to start in the platform (cloud). For learning sake, I just want to create that says "hello, I'm a chatbot. ask me a question about my clients website", then it goes to that website, and then replies with "here's your answer." If I can get that far, I'm sure I can take it from there? Does anybody have advice -- can't seem to get started and frustrated.
Hi Shaun, There are issues for sure in getting started. Videos makes it feel like easy but it is not as it is shown. Atleast it wasn't for me though! First, I am guessing since all these bots are largely based on NLU (Natural language Understanding) they would require a trigger to start, Say 'Hi'. Then you can have this message ... Hello, I am a chatbot, ask me ..... Next part is easy and there are many pre built templates to do it . Datasource will have the website URL and that's it. I tried it sometime back and that's pretty straight forward.
Thank you. I am digging into to see if I can do a step-by-step. I've never felt this dumb before - LOL.
Botpress yesterday shared a list of videos as dictionary. I would suggest take a step back go through all those 30 sec videos. It will help you gets very basic and fundamentals right. It really helped me. That's how I was able to speed up. Ironically, I put that on YouTube channel comment which botpress people acknowledged it quickly. Then you start with a template. Do not make changes , just go through it once how it is built, how to get variables assigned and how to use them. In parallel, try your own. Don't frustrate yourself if it doesn't work initially but try make exactly what they have made it. I know these are too baby steps but that's how I built it and again I am still faaar awayyyy to say I know how to build a good chatbot.ā–¾

I can help you get that far. I sent you a dm.
Got it @rich-oxygen-43707 . . . accepted and THANK YOU
Thanks for sharing!
Iā€™m determined to learn this .. itā€™s confusing but itā€™s worth the effort