Answer based on variable/user response
# 🤝help
Hey, lets say I have 5 different product options to ask about, example A,B,C,D,E. If the user selects that they are interested in product B, how do I get the bot to respond only using data related to product B? I'm having issues where the bot will respond using data from all over the knowledge base, whether it's related to product B or not.
@early-train-33247 any idea?
I'd recommend using buttons to start out, it is super simple to make something like this
I have plenty of information about each 'Kit' in my knowledge base, is there no way to search the KB based on what the user asked?
I find it a bit strange that you can't directly call to search for the knowledge base about something specific, I presumed that's why it should be there
When the bot asks about how it can help, no human is going to say 'I want to know XYZ about The Freedom Kit'
they'll just say something along the lines of 'I want to know XYZ', no reason to directly reference, which is the only way to get a proper response
You can scope the KB search by putting the KB and the flow in a separate folder. KB search only happens when the user sends a message in a KB-enabled node, so you could do something like: * Bot (main flow): Which kit? * User (main flow): The Freedom kit * Bot (freedom flow): What about the freedom flow? * User (freedom flow): How much is it?
It's better practice to try and narrow down the topics as much as you can before giving an answer. Just like with people, if I walk into a gym and say "How much is it?" The receptionist will be super confused- how much is what? A membership? A daily pass? A t shirt? The bot will act the same way, so it is best to try to narrow down what domain, and then you can do a scoped knowledge search