Chatbot unusable
# 🤝help
Hi, I understand in another post we were told that the infra is still growing so it might be buggy, but my bot I created is unusuable. It works like a charm in the botpress studio testing bot, perfect as should be. Go to embed it on a website, and when reaching a certain part of the workflow it starts skipping nodes, repeating messages, making it impossible to use and embarrasing to present to people I am building these bots for. I have pressed publish several times, so this is not the issue. Please if there are any fixes to this let me know, I dedicated a lot of time to learn how to use botpress and now I am feeling like I should've learned some other tool because my chatbot can't even be used as expected. PLEASE let me know what I can do about this.
Did you get any help on this?
I experienced the same, the bot works fine until it is not in production, once in production it gets buggie.
i dont know what we should do, this is really demoralizing
do you know any alternatives to botpress? about to lose a client because of this 🙂
Not really, I'm faily new as well. One thing we could try is setting up our own AWS servers and running botpress from there. (from what I read around it might work, but I haven't tried it)
how would one do this?
I may head down this path as well. Maybe we can keep each other updated. I'll probably use Azure.
I have the same issue. When I asked support, all they said was "Hit publish and try again". If anyone has a link with instructions on how to use your own servers, please share it here.
Could try langchain/flowise. I haven't tested it but it's a similar workflow. I love botpress, but I have seen this a little with one of my bots too.
I think there's one called "Bubble" as well that is a graphical builder.
Could this be why people are using with botpress? Does botpress actually learn on its own?
no because this has nothing to do with implementing stack ai or not, its messing upo and glitching n tasks that arent even ai related