Instagram DMs
# 🤝help
Hi! 👋🏻 I would like to semi-automate replies on Instagram DMs. This is the current flow I'm thinking of: Receive reply on DMs > Bot takes the reply and runs it through knowledge base + ChatGPT to suggest 3 suitable answers > Answers are typed out in the DMs reply box but does not send yet > User choose the best out of 3 and manually presses send. Does anyone know how I might achieve the last two workflows? Or is there a better way to go about doing this? Thank you Botpressians!
Hi @careful-keyboard-68830, there is not a way to add human-in-the-loop functions to Botpress cloud-yet. A feature like this is on the roadmap.
Could the loop just end at typing out the reply somewhere? Then the bot just ends and the human takes over so that it's not in-the-loop?
Depends on where that "somewhere" is. If it is an email, or slack channel, or WhatsApp DM (or any of the channels here, then sure. If it is an instagram DM draft, no. I don't think there is an API for saving drafts.
Ahh so i guess an ideal workaround would be to have the replies typed out in an airtable. Then the user can just copy and paste the replies. Will you be planning to add Gsheets in there too?
Also, if I want to the bot to reply in a way that is in my style of writing. Do I use the personality agent, knowledge base or is there something else?
Like can I feed "something" (either the agent, GPT or something else) a few paragraphs. Then whenever it receives a DM reply, the bot can churn out replies in a similar tone of voice.
personality agent, yes
You can just describe how you write, or give a "before/after" type example. Both would work
No GSheets yet. I really want this one, too (might write it myself, but it would take a month haha)
haha is it in the team's roadmap?
Is the the knowledge base function powered by ChatGPT behind the scenes? I just tried it and somehow it is able to make sense of my document and write a coherent answer without copying and pasting from my PDF.
We use a few OpenAI services for knowledge bases. Depending on how your PDF is structured, performance can vary. The best PDFs are text-based (where each page is not an image of text) and don't rely heavily on images or diagrams.
Can I confirm that the Instagram integration allows me to read messages and send messages on Instagram? I have setup the connection as per this video:

My app on FB is in "development" mode which I don't think is the problem since the video showed that it is also in development mode. However, when I send a message to the Instagram page connected, I did not receive a reply. When doing a test in Botpress cloud, the flow seems to be working fine. Do you know what might be the cause of this problem?
Messenger and Instagram are different channels. I don't think we have a video for insta yet, do we @bright-magazine-792 ?
Yeah I dont think you guys have a video yet, I thought the setup process would be the same since on Meta for Developers, you would also have to connect Messenger. Just that instead of "settings" on the left menu pane, it's "instagram settings". The rest seems to be the same in terms of generating tokens and subscriptions. I might be totally wrong off here haha let me know if im wrong.
Have you followed the steps on our documentation for insta?
quick question, if my app mode is "development" will it still work? or do i have to make it live?
@bright-magazine-792 do you know?
Ok FB messenger seems to be working but I'm not sure why Instagram DMs are not. I switched the app to "live" to test, not sure if "development" will work.
Have successfully connected to Botpress as you can see the Webhook has been verified and all subscriptions enabled. However, it does not work.
are you messaging the bot from your meta dev account?
I'm having the same issue here. The last step of Webhook Configuration is : 7. Click on Add subscriptions and add messages, instagram_manage_messages and messaging_postbacks to your webhook. However, the instagram_manage_messages doesn't show in the subscriptions options. Could that be the cause of Instagram dm's not working with botpress?