Append user response before triggering {{turn.Know...
# 🤝help
How do I append user response from a Capture Card and then manually trigger the Knowledge Agent to answer based on the newly appended response?
I do not exactly understand what do you mean by "appended user response" and "manualy trigger" KB. This is a workflow based on some sort of "loop" 1. You store user question in Raw Input in variable (userQuestion or smth like that) 2. Then you check if knowledge base answered. 3. If yes, then you manually ask user if he has another question. 4. If yes, then you redirect him to point 1. (this is depicted as an arrow from "Any-other-questions" to User-Input node) Let me know if that is any close to what you were asking for.
If the node has "Enable Knowledge Answering" checked, you don't have to do anything but send back {{turn.KnowledgeAgent.answer}} The agent will have already answered. You don't have to append anything or trigger anything.
Much appreciated on the pointers 🙏 I think I should rephrase my question better and more specifically: In a choice capture card, what can I do to instruct the chatbot to search only a subset of my knowledge base (i.e. only search 'this pdf' OR exclude 'these pdfs') based on the choice made by the user?
If I understand correctly - the easiest route will be to create separate Knowledge Bases for each pdf, name them more verbose and then route user to chosen Knowledge Base. Is it possible in your case ?