bot does not appear
# 🤝help
Yo :) So I made (not finished) a bot and I was trying to put it on my's website. I took the configurable code and put it on embed. I try to look on my website but...nothing. To see it I have to go on a category and return back to see the Icon of the bot...can someone help me ?
update : when I use the pre-configured one it's okay but the configurable one make thsi problem
yep...that's how mine is too. Following this
So your webchat bot only shows up after reloading the page?
If I paste the pre-configured code on the website, the bot shows up and works as intended. But if I remove the pre-configured code and paste the configured code, so that I can change some things such as the “this bot was built surprisingly fast by…”, nothing shows up.
To add something, to show the configured one I have to go on a page of my website (/offers for an example) and return to the main page @early-train-33247
now even if i take the pre-configured one I have to do the same "move" to see the bot...and when I chat with it I don't have any response...but on botpress I can chat with him
I had the same issue. Managed to get it working by inserting it into the instead of the section. Idk if that would help you.
it might actually, except square space for some reason only gives me the header option in this page. I’ll have to check it out later..thanks man!
Hey guys, please use the Pre-configured version and let me know if you still have problems
@millions-motorcycle-83398, to change that description, go to the Webchat settings, and add some value in the description field, then that will be shown instead
It don't have the problem with pre-configured version