Changing bot language
# 🤝help
Hey guys, how can i change the language of my bot? Whenever i click on chatbot settings the only thing i can change is the name of my bot. There ist no section where i can change the language. Could somenone please help me out?
hi @eager-author-6956 👋 this quick vid should help:
Language setting now happens in the Translator Agent
Hi, the "pro tip" doesnt work for me. I left the language empty and the bot is not translating text to the users language
Hey @adamant-morning-73102, go to the Translator Agent settings, and make sure it looks like this:
Hi :), yea I already have it just like that, Although I only tried it in dev environment, I will give it a go in the production
Alright, let me know if it works
Hi, sorry, I was dealing with others stuff so I forgot 😄 It doesn't even work in the prodcution. Only AI translates their text, but the text thats inside "text block" is set in the language that it was written in. It only worsk if I hard set the translation agent to the language I want
That's odd. If confirmed it's probably a bug. Try removing the set language card, and reenabling your agent with both options checked. @adamant-morning-73102
HI, tried it, but still the same
Hey @adamant-morning-73102 could you explain the problem again, please?
HI, sure. I basicaly want the bot to reply in the language of the user, so I have this starting node with a greeting and language detector on the top. But the bot just ignores the users language and replies in english. I have the "set users language" blank as said in the video. It only works if I hard set tne language code
Try removing the set user language card, since its purpose is to hard set. Then make sure the Translator Agent is enabled with all options checked.
I tried it without it and it doesnt work either 😦
I am also facing this issue
Yeah im in the same situation here. Bot sometimes answers in english instead of the user's language. Not everytime, but sometimes.
It keeps changing the language in the middle of a conversation. Can anyone help? Do I need to "Set User Language" Agent on every node?
Even tho i put it on every node, it still changing the language. Its odd because in the emulator i see the answer poping in the language i want and then it does a translate job back to english.
I can see that in older version you could just pre-select the language of the bot, it seemed better
Agree, tried to set the language to Russian, but bot only answers in Russian when I specifically ask him to in the dialogue window. It never texts the first message in Russian
Hey the language issue might be happening because your Translator Agent has the "Detect on Every Turn" option enabled!
Will try that out, thanks