Update Bot Personality (can't find in settings)
# 🤝help
Help docs say it's a toggle in Chat Settings but I don't see it there. Am I missing something?
Hi Alan 👋 thanks for pointing this out to us. The doc is a bit outdated. Here's how to update the bot personality: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/y8MAjL8GScY
awesome thank you!
How do the personality agent and smalltalk feature work together?
Smalltalk is a knowledge base. The personality agent influences every outgoing message, while the small talk is only activated when the knowledge agent recognizes that it's being asked something that you've defined as small talk in the small talk KB
so is it more or less a bunch of sentences that state facts/knowledge? i think what's confusing is the description for smalltalk says questions and answers...
Unfortunately the bot uses pretty much anything from smalltalk. So if I list out a bunch of facts, it ends up sharing all that info during the initial greeting..
The KBs are really flexible so you can use them to have common Q&As in there if you'd like or specific knowledge about a topic. Here's one of the ways Gordy suggests using the KB: https://discord.com/channels/1108396290624213082/1117807665612075008/1117811563831758898 Btw if your bot doesn't need the small talk KB you can also delete it!
can you share a screenshot of your workflow?
what are you trying to get your bot to do?
sure thing. I used the 'out of the box' template for website bot. haven't edited the workflow, unless by accident
I own boobypillows.com and I'd like to have my bot 'Veronica' act like a friendly sales agent that answers questions and gets users towards a sale
any thoughts @acoustic-hair-60678 ?
That's because you have added the info the SmallTalk knoledge base
You have to use different sources for each type of information
You need to have a Smalltask Knowledge base, with just a single Plain Text source that has questions and answers for smalltalk like: hey, how are you, who are you, etc
Then you create another Knowledge base, with the store info
In the description for this one add something like: This is what you should say if they user does smalltalk
Ok, this is really great. I appreciate the help. Going to give it a try!
I didn't realize that the description field of the knowledge bases act as prompts
They are not prompts but are important clues to the AI to figure out how to build your code and logic!
Alright, let me know if that works for you!
This is working soooo much better. I already had the two knowledge bases going (quickstart using website and smalltalk using plaintext content) But after your tip to change the descriptions of those I was able to make the bot understand to prioritize the website data for answers and use the smalltalk kb as secondary. Now the interaction is much smoother and realistic. Thanks again!
Hey @alert-country-87687, that's great to hear!! Glad your bot is working better! Happy building 🚀