Error For Recipe BotPress Tutorial
# 🤝help
Hello, If anyone knows how to solve this. I am doing the Receipe Bot on Botpress When I add my AI card, and input {{event.payload.text}} it dose not recognize the input. I have looked it up but, suggestions say that the variable has not been defined yet. I am not to sure how to set a variable.
that's strange, can you show us a screenshot of your ai task settings?
Hello Patrick thanks for the reply this is the screen shot
Noobie question, where can I find "always"?
I only see intent and expression
You will just need to type in “true” in the expression card from my understanding
Two things : 1. if the image is what you are getting, you can safely ignore it. It appears the first time when you haven't conversed with your bot yet. 2. The bigger problem here is that you need to store the result to a variable. Then you can display that variable using @variable in a send message card. Let me know if that fixes it 🙂
hmm I am getting an error. of “this card is ignored because some properties are missing” for {{event.payload.text}}.
That's odd, can you show us the error message? Are you sending anything that's not text back?