Need help fixing an error message
# šŸ¤help
Iā€™ve been following this tutorial on setting up a chat bot and when the guy gets to this point he can talk to the chatbot just fine but Iā€™m getting an error message. I donā€™t really understand why or how to fix it or even what Iā€™m not doing right as itā€™s not really much
Could you share a full screenshot of the bot ( I want to see what the start node is connected to)? That being said, normally if I have similar issues, I would start by adding a text message at the very beginning of the bot and then moving it down towards where the problem is.
I seem to be having a similar issue where the bot constantly restarts the conversation. Also getting the error sending message pop up.
@wide-twilight-37767 can you send us the config of the single choice, this looks like it's not matching the result, causing the question to be asked again.
Didnā€™t change anything and it works now. Must have just been a glitch.
Ok. Let us know if it happens again!
I do not understand why this keeps happening. With every Bot I receive this message, when you can clearly see, that it found the answer in the knowledge base?
I do not understand why this keeps happening. With every Bot I receive this message, when you can clearly see, that it found the answer in the knowledge base?