Resume chat
# 🤝help
How can I save a users conversation with my bot, so they can resume the chat at a later date? I want to use bots in my mobile app, so logged in users can resume their conversation at any moment. Browsing through the API docs, I can't find how to do this, as conversations don't seem to be linked to users directly.
Hey @creamy-oyster-8997, you're right that conversations aren't linked directly to users, but we do have user variables.
However if you're trying to show previous chat history on web chat, we don't have that feature yet.
User variables will let you store the context of the conversation only. If you're looking to always be showing previous chat history, have you considered using another channel like WhatsApp or Telegram?
@miniature-daybreak-51854 here
Hi. Please how I can save users conversations in my database?
Can you give me more example please?
I am not looking to save conversations in my database
What more do you want? my usecase is quite specific, so no more examples to give really
I want to record the bot's conversations so that I can use a query to determine the number of conversations established with the chat bot. Is this possible?