chatbot with API links
# 🤝help
Hello, Is it possible to build a chatbot based on GPT4 which can answer all questions specific to an hotel and can check for room price and availibility via API to the hotel CMS and then send a link to the booking engine so the customer can complete the booking with its payment information please ? Thanks
Hi Philippe. GPT4 is coming soon, but in the meantime, you should be able to do this with GPT turbo (what powers ChatGPT) 🙂
Ok thanks do you have a use case chatbot for making hotel bookings please ?
We don't have a template for that use case. You'll have to add some logic to communicate with your hotel's cms and complete bookings.
If there is anything you'd like to make that possible and if it's not entirely dependent on your use case, you can post it on #1111026806254993459 to increase visibility 👈
Thanks Patrick I will try to build it with the help of your documentation !
So I literally want to do the same and I am stuck a bit: Can someone help me what gone wrong here: