i used this in flow logic expression - if(workflo...
# 🌎general
i used this in flow logic expression - if(workflow.location == 'Setagaya' || 'Meguro' || 'Chiyoda'|| 'Shinjuku' || 'Shibuya' ) == true else false The second last message is correct but idk how to get the flow back to the same node in case of false input how can i rectify this error ?
Hey @billions-restaurant-37244, what is happening is that the expression is wrong
Update it to
workflow.location !== 'Setagaya' && workflow.location !== 'Chiyoda' && workflow.location !== 'Shibuya'
This is the expression that will transition to the node where you ask them to enter a correct location
But a better way to achieve whis would be to have a Single Choice card with the locations as choices. Then if the says something that is not a location from the list, it will ask again.
For the question to be repeated with options, open the Advanced settings of the card and eanble "Transition to handle failure"
Then you drag that transition to the start of the node
Thank you so much!
hey do you mind if i ask one more ques?
Not at all!
well the problem got solved by itself somehow overnight
but i was getting this yesterday when i opened the bot
Do you have any documents set up?
i did upload one document to the knowledgebase
If you still have the document on your computer you can go ahead and remove the documents
ok I'll try