Having trouble with webhooks. How do you map the ...
# 🌎general
Having trouble with webhooks. How do you map the webhook data into your bot? Like... I want a CRM to send contact data to Botpress... is that using the webhook integration? I have the integration on the bot. I have in the CRM a trigger to fire the webhook. But kinda lost after that. Is there any documentation? Do I have to do a "GET" call, or after a webhook has fired, can I just set the payload to the variables I need?
Example of what I Have that isn't working.
Trying to pull the field "phone" from the CRM
Hey @brave-dawn-96867, we are working on documentation for the new integrations!
In the meanwhile, let's check if @colossal-egg-20510 has any insights
Cool. Appreciate it!
You only have to use the webhook event and listen to it.
I don't see the webhook event card? nor the Trigger node?
Is this setup correctly?
looks like you're using an unreleased version as triggers are not yet released?
Happy that you're going the direction of making all of these common tasks prebuilt cards... cause trying to guess what I have to tell the AI to do to make the code isn't ideal.... just frustrating right now because there are features that you have released that are not even referenced in the documentation... If I search for "webhooks" in documentation, there is not a single reference. When I google botpress webhooks... I can find this page in the marketing: https://botpress.com/channels/webhooks Makes me not want to try and build anything, because I won't find out that it's a dead end until I've invested hours setting something up, get stuck, and try and look up what I'm doing wrong.
I actually havn't touched botpress all week mainly because only thing on my task list is posting on discord more help threads, and hoping they get answered timely.... which is going to eat up a lot of support time as I have many other questions about how to use these features. Not discouraged, as I love botpress and I know it's new and growing, and like the directions you are all going, just giving you some open and specific feedback on what's going on in my head, as most customers won't say waht they are feeling until they leave... 😉
Hey @brave-dawn-96867 thanks for the feedback, it makes total sense! If the features were well documented, people wouldn't need to ask for help as much.
These integrations are just a few weeks now so we are still building the docs while we gather feedback from users. @bumpy-butcher-41910, do we have an estimate of when the docs for the new integrations is coming out?
Cool... so what do I do now? just simplify and not use webhooks until later? Not a passive aggressive question... just how I feel might be the fastest path forward. 😄 😄
Talking this out: I think I've hit this roadblock a few times now, which is the dual result of 1: You guys making such a powerful tool accessable to non coding plebs like me, and 2: Me being a non coding pleb. so I think while I'm 99% close to just completely break botpress with the things I want to build.... I think some tactical patience might be best way. I know how my autistic brain works... I don't stop until I compeltely understand something. I think I just answered my own question: I'll wait for the documentation, and in the meantime, I should simplify my scope for my first few bots, and not be so ambitious until I've got more basic things mastered. Sorry for info dumping... but rubber duck debugging definitely helped 😄 I'll say again: Suuuuuper excited to see that screenshot of the cards. That is exactly what I hoped you would do, is slowly add prebuilt cards of common task/functions/executeables
Hey @brave-dawn-96867 sorry for the late reply!
The documentation is gonna be released soon, maybe next week!
I will record a simple tutorial of how to use the webhooks so you can play around with them until then!
thank you so much! 😄
Hey @brave-dawn-96867, sorry for the delay on this! I was trying to have better audio for the recording, but my earphones will have to do it haha
No probs! done is better than perfect
Where is the video?
Hey @brave-dawn-96867, I will send it today!
woo hoo! Perfect timing, as I finished the alpha build of the bot I want to release.... so now I just need to webhook in some spreadsheet goodness.
Hey @brave-dawn-96867, let me know if that's useful!
not sure if it's just uploaded and needs a sec... but it's hsowing me 0:00/0:00 minutes
oh its just not playable in discord. duhh
😄 Watching now
So... you guys are using triggers... I don't see any trigger options?
is that an early access build?
Here's how to use Triggers
Oh yeah, you need to have access to the Beta
What is the email you use to login? So I can add you here
Actually, fill out the form
So it's not made public here
just filled it out
thank you btw! 😄
Done, refresh the Studio and you will see the Trigger option
i see it now
thanks a bunch! Oh yeah... already that looks like how I was expecting webhooks to work.
Yes it's pretty easy
Let me know if something is unclear! I recorded it just for you haha
Sooner I get my bot launched, sooner I push it out to my 6k FB group! 😄
Hahaha, good luck! 🚀
Seems the new version, the generate code tools are not working since I refreshed.
nm workign again.
also filled it out 🙏