How can I send a link in a message? And what happe...
# 🌎general
How can I send a link in a message? And what happens to the chat if user clicks it (in a web chat)? For instance a training bot on a website wants to guide user to a different page of the site. Would be awesome if they could go to a different page and the chat would still be open in the same place in the conversation.
Hi Fritz 👋 are you referring to a hyperlink within a message? If so, check out this message: The behavior you're describing of guiding users and the chat still being open is something that was available in the previous version of botpress but i believe it still hasn't made its way to botpress cloud. I believe with the release of triggers this should become doable but @acceptable-gold-88171 @acceptable-kangaroo-64719 correct me if I'm wrong
Just tagging @acceptable-gold-88171 and @acceptable-kangaroo-64719 again... Is David correct that Triggers will address this? Thanks.
triggers can help with your bot doing something once a link is clicked. Keeping contex/chat history between web pages is another thing, and I'm not sure if there's a built-in capability for that.
Keeping context between pages is actually the defaul behavior I think. The only problem is that the user has to re-open the bot on the new page. I know it has been requested a lot, but here's another reason it would be helpful to have an option to open the bot on page load. (The only nuance is that for this purpose, if it was closed on previous page it should stay closed, and if it was open on previous page it should start opened.)
this functionality will come when Triggers are made available. Keep an eye on #1111016943370113174 !