Can we add different knowlege source to different ...
# 🌎general
Can we add different knowlege source to different nodes, like assume I have four documents containing details of four different persons and I give option to choose person, than can I instruct chatbot to refer that particular document as a knowledge source to answer questions?
Hi @worried-plumber-65401 👋 right now we don't have the ability to control knowledge bases at the node level but you can control them on a workflow level. Here's a video with Sylvain explaining how that's done (starting at 14:30): I see that you've created a feature request already for the KB node level control. So others can refer to it, I'll include it in this thread! 🙌
thanks david, It could also work, just have to make make use of workflows instead of nodes 😅
We're working on adding more control to the knowledge bases but until then yes, workflows should do the trick!