Question, if someone want to talk to real hum how ...
# 🌎general
Question, if someone want to talk to real hum how can I set that in botpress options
Hey @freezing-angle-73335, there is no way to do that with Botpress only at the moment.. We do have an Intercom integration though, which you could use to provide support to users, I'm just not sure if it allows handing off the conversation to an agent right now. Please @colossal-egg-20510, does it?
@astonishing-evening-6343 @bored-country-76221, this might interest you too!
thank you ill try to use zapier to inform the owner
The intercom integration doesn't allow the handoff. This feature (HITL human in the loop) is something that will be done in the `agents`which is a feature of our platform that is coming soon 🚀 . Stay tuned for it!
Thanks Mike, that's great news! @freezing-angle-73335