Hello everyone, I got someone asking me to build a...
# 🌎general
Hello everyone, I got someone asking me to build an AI chatbot for her local biz website (I have been dabbling with ChatGPT for a couple of months now but have no coding skills), so I said sure! Then I went to YT looking for a tutorial or something, and that’s when I found a video from @boundless-pencil-51555 where he talks about this topic and mentioned Botpress… And the rest is history… Now, is anyone here building AI chatbots for clients?
Hi @fierce-terabyte-74126 . Welcome to the Botpress community! There's @acceptable-cpu-41904 building AI chatbots for clients off the top of my head!
i was looking for work
Awesome thanks!
Hey do you have any examples I can try, I need one not just only for general questions and knowledge base (such as the one on BP website)but also one that helps with and connect to a CRM? They have a service-based business and want a chatbot that encourages visitors to book a call...