Hi, I'm starting to tryout botpress to see if it's...
# 🌎general
Hi, I'm starting to tryout botpress to see if it's the tool for an app I want to build. On the website, it says there's a Notion Integration, but when accessing the Hub, I don't see any in the list. Is the Notion integration working and available? I couldn't find any documentation either. also, I see there's a Webhook Integration, but I couldn't find any documentation about that either.
I've heard about the Notion integration, too, but there's almost nothing out there about it (yet). Integrations were only released a few days ago, so a lot is still forthcoming. The webhook integration, at least, has its source code published here https://github.com/botpress/botpress/tree/master/integrations/webhook
hi @acceptable-kangaroo-64719 . I see you're in the Botpress Team. Any chance you could get some info on Webhook Documentation? and Notion integration ETA?
We don't have a definite ETA, sorry. The best thing to do would be keep an eye on #1111016943370113174