Hey guys , i have a problem using Stack AI in my b...
# 🌎general
Hey guys , i have a problem using Stack AI in my bot . when i type any question i always receive error . Below is the code section i'm using : // Add your stack AI endpoint URL in place of "YOUR_STACK_AI_ENDPOINT_URL" const endpoint = "https://www.stack-inference.com/run_deployed_flow?flow_id=69abd1418604bc5a0fd0beb9&org=1dbeae02-205c-44e9-9eb6-4132119779ce" // Add your stack AI API key in place of "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE" const headers = { Authorization:
Bearer XX
, "Content-Type": "application/json" } const data = { "in-0": workflow.userQuestion, } try { const response = await axios.post(endpoint, data, { headers }) workflow.apiResponse = response.data["out-0"] } catch (error) { throw new Error(
stack-error: ${error}
) }