I'm building a custom integration with Telegram an...
# 🌎general
I'm building a custom integration with Telegram and I need to send a message that I get from Telegram to botpress. I assume it should be done with a webhook, but the response I'm getting from botpress is empty.
Hey @kind-orange-96173, you should use the Telegram integration to achieve that! Go to the Dashboard, integrations tab, browse the hub, and find Telegram
Click Install and choose your bot
Now go to BotFather and grab your bot token, and paste it on the integration settings
Thanks, I needed a custom one that can filter messages I sent to bot press based on few conditions. It's done now 👍 Botfather has only two options: - following a weird format to send message to the bot - or allowing it to receive all of the messages in the group, which is pointless and expensive You can't really integrate anything production tier with the built in one as you can't limit it in any way and even if you're somehow comfortable with the required format from Botfather, you are still exposed to spam attacks.
I'd suggest to add an option for a source filter like group name and message filter so in Botfather we can set it to receive all messages and in the integration we can filter out the ones that we don't want to respond to and pay money for.
Hey @kind-orange-96173, so you would like to restrict the bot to only respond in certain groups?