Hi guys May someone help me please I
# 🌎general
Hi guys ! May someone help me please? I have several pieces of information about one topic, but they refer to different things and when I ask one question, it gives me all the data about the topic or I just need a piece of information that I have structured in my knowledge bases. My chatbot helps people to have information about public administration, administrative procedures and documents. For example, if i ask my bot about the what is The GNI (Guichet Numérique de l'Investissement), it will give me the right answer, but it will add all information which has "GNI'' or "Guichet Numérique de l'Investissement" while i only needed to know what was this service (this plateforme helps to create and manage an enterprise in my country).
You could try using the bot personality to make the bot give shorter replies (like adding, "You are a helpful AI assistant who only answers the user's question and does not provide any other information"). However, today's foundation LLMs skew towards verbosity- GPT 3.5, 4, and others are trained to provide longer responses in general, so you're fighting that trained instinct. A final thing to try could be breaking up your source data into smaller chunks. The Knowledge base is less likely to keep tacking on info if each info bit comes from a different document or source. Depending on the size of your KB, though, this can be too much work 😅
Alternatifvely you can artificially graduate heirarchies of information in your knowledge base so that you can instruct your bot to only go so far as depth 2 instead of depth 5
Hi @acceptable-kangaroo-64719 yep you're right that i am trynna fight its instinct. 😂 I broke my knowlages in pieces for sure, but i still have this problem, but i manage it for the moment.
I have another problem. I want sometime replies to come with spaces but the bot only gives anwsers as a block. I'm using PLAIN TEXT method to give it knowleges.
I want the answers to come this way, but when i ask the question I only have the 1st sentence below. I think it’s because of the spaces. La vision de l'ANPI se présente en 3 principaux points : 1. La prospérité économique : Faire de l'ANPI-Gabon le levier de la transformation économique du Gabon, en le plaçant au centre de la mise en œuvre du PAT. L'ANPI-Gabon doit amplifier l'action de création de richesse en attirant les investissements qui favorisent une croissance inclusive et contribuent au bien-être des populations. 2. La prospérité sociale : Mobiliser les ressources et les compétences pour faire de l'ANPI-Gabon un cadre stable de développement et d'épanouissement collectif. D'ici 2023, la prospérité sociale se traduit par un partage équilibré des ressources et des opportunités en fonction des capacités de chaque membre du personnel. 3. La prospérité financière : Consolider les ressources de l'Agence pour la conduire vers son équilibre structurel. L'ANPI-Gabon doit créer des activités génératrices de revenus supplémentaires. The only times I saw answers like this, it was when I was beginning and I used a pdf to train myself.
Thanks, i ll try to se how to test it.
Eventually, the knowledge base agent's message will be available as a variable, and then you can use code to break it up into smaller messages. Until then, the KB agent can only send one message at a time. Keep an eye on #1111016943370113174
How do you graduate hierarchies of information in a knowledge base?
In a simple example lets say your Knowledge Base is a CSV file, you can have a coloumn called Priority or something like that and set integer values for different levels of Priority. Then you give yourself the ability to filter out rows based on their priority when it comes to searching the KB and returning an answer