I checked event.tags there is no such parameter in...
# 🌎general
I checked event.tags there is no such parameter in event json, following is the structure of event json I'm getting IOEvent { type: 'text', channel: 'twilio', direction: 'incoming', payload: { type: 'text', text: 'Hii' }, target: 'e4a56dee-6983-43d2-bb27-526fc57250cf', botId: 'test', createdOn: 2023-06-07T16:19:43.236Z, threadId: 'cd5f0650-7ced-4d6c-9b03-25bd15f77821', id: '1245644702886558909', preview: 'Hii', flags: {}, state: { __stacktrace: [], user: {}, context: { currentNode: 'console_node', currentFlow: 'main.flow.json', queue: [Object], previousNode: 'entry' }, session: { lastMessages: [Array], workflows: {}, slots: {} }, temp: {}, bot: undefined }, debugger: undefined, messageId: '78befb45-45ec-4297-9686-e66faf5d2888', suggestions: [], credentials: undefined, nlu: { entities: [], language: 'en', detectedLanguage: 'en', spellChecked: 'Hii', ambiguous: false, slots: {}, intent: { name: 'none', confidence: NaN, context: 'global' }, intents: [ [Object] ], errored: false, includedContexts: [ 'global' ], ms: 25, modelId: 'ca783fe4b6bc9f36.010effb865ff25fa.5748.en', predictions: {} }, decision: { decision: { reason: 'no suggestion matched', status: 'elected' }, confidence: 1, payloads: [], source: 'decisionEngine', sourceDetails: 'execute default flow' } }