How to Keep Conversation Going?
# 🤝help
He seems to perceive each interaction as a new question rather than a conversation. How can I make my chatbot understand the context of the conversation?
Look into summary agent feature or you can create a variable context and use += for every step and use it as part of the call. That’s at least the logic when I was coding it in React
Here you just use execute code and just paste this function
Im not a dev so this coding part gets a little hard to understand, did someone from @cold-motherboard-82208 release a tutorial/video/doc that address this situation?
Hi @crooked-van-25152 , do you know this question been answered here on discord, or if there any content related to this topic that can help me?
Is there an answer for that?? Same question here
@acceptable-kangaroo-64719 should be able to help with this one!
You're correct @ambitious-vr-9887 that the bot is treating every message as the start of a brand new conversation. Adding context to knowledge base searches is possible, but it requires code. The alternative is in-context learning, where you put all the informaiton in an AI task. I go into detail on them both here