Multiple Users
# 🤝help
Hi there, We love botpress but haven't found a great way to allow multiple users edit or revision a bot. We are constantly overwriting each others changes or getting the message that another user is editing the bot. Is there a method that seems to work for this scenario? More robust versioning? Separating flows? Multiple bots import/export? We'd like to use git to track changes to the bot but with the export being a binary it seems we have to rely on the interface? Any help would be appreciated.
We also believe there is a bug where it doesn't always warn that other users are editing the bot.
bump, this is a major annoyance for teams collaborating
Hey @glamorous-vase-99412, we could use more feedback like this to help us hone in on the best collaboration experience. Would you mind making a post about this on #1111026806254993459 ?